Nevada Gambling goes down 8%

As the online gambling industry continues to flourish in the United States of America the Nevada Gambling Economy keeps on going down. In the month of July Nevada went down by 8%. The exact same percentage almost occurred in the month of July in the year 2012 as well. The percentage that Nevada Gambling went down in July of 2012 was 7.97%.

One of the hardest hitting places for the land based gambling industry is Las Vegas. They say a decrease of over fourteen percent in the revenues they make on a regular July Month. The most popular game to make money for July, 2013 was slot machine games. They made over $585 Million dollars which is only a slight decrease from July of 2012. Some of the other games that made some pretty good money but still lost revenue compared to last year was Baccarat with a loss of 37.5%, Blackjack made a total of $92 Million and some of the smaller games only made 28 million, 10 million to as low as 2 million.

Due to this steep decline in revenue the state of Nevada is working hard to expand their online poker. This means that even the state cannot hold off on the online gambling industry anymore.